
1. 個人情報のご提供を受ける場合
2. 個人情報の取得について
3. 個人情報の利用目的
4. 個人情報の第三者への提供について
- お客様の同意がある場合
- あらかじめ当社との間で機密保持契約を締結している企業等(業務委託先等)に業務上の目的で提供する場合
- 裁判所・警察署・主務官庁又は法令等により、開示が要求された場合
- お客様又は公共の利益のために必要であると考えられる場合
5. 個人情報に対する安全対策の実施
6. 個人情報に関するお客様からのお問い合わせ等について
- 開示
- 訂正
- 利用停止
- 第三者提供の停止
Basic Policy
Central Japan Inc. (referred to below as “our company”), strictly adheres to privacy laws and gravely respects its customer’s rights when handling private information. Regarding handling of personal information
1. When in the case of receiving provided private information
When our company needs for private information to be provided, we will inform the customer as to the purpose of its usage.
2. Regarding obtainment of private information
Regarding handling of private information, our company only uses appropriate measures for obtainment.
3. Purpose of private information usage
Our company, as a rule, only uses private information within limits of previously clarified purpose. When use is to be made outside these purposes, the individual will be asked in advance following our company privacy policy.
4. Regarding provision of private information to third parties
Our company does not provide customer's private information to third parties except under the conditions as follow.
- In the case that the customer has granted permission
- In the case of provision of information on corporations etc. (administrative consignments and such) with whom we have a prior confidentiality contract
- In the case that it is required by the courts, police, proper authorities or legal ordinance
- In the case it is deemed necessary for the benefit of the customer or public
5. Implementation of safety provisions for private information
Our company has prepared guidelines to take rational safety measures to ensure that important private information is not inappropriately leaked and such
6. Our company, when requested by our customers about our management of their own personal information,
within practical limits, respecting our customer's wishes, will take the following measures.
- disclosure
- corrections
- termination of use
- termination of provision to third parties
Improvements of privacy policy
If the need arises for us to revise our company privacy policy, we shall improve as appropriate.
For questions regarding privacy policy, please contact the following:
Central Japan Inc. (address or phone no. listed)